1、彈性聯軸器可傳遞扭矩和回轉角度,同時吸收軸的 偏差,當安裝偏差超過容許值時,可能會產生振動或導致聯軸器的壽命縮短,因此要偏差的調整適當。
3、各產品所列之 大偏差容許值是指只有一種偏差存在的情況下,當兩種或 多種偏差同時存在時,容許值應低于各規格表中 大偏差的1/2。
4、偏差并不只有發生在設備裝配,工作過程中的振動、熱膨脹、軸承磨損等都會引起偏差。因此,建議將軸向偏差調整至低于 大值1/3。
Allgnment Adjustment
1,Flexible couplings transmit torque and rotational angle while absorbing misalignment.When the misalignment exceeds allowable values,vibration may result or the life of the coupling may become shortened.Make sure to adjust the alignment accordingly.
2,There are three types of shaft misalignment,namely in terms of parallel misalignment,angular misalignment and shaft end-play.Adjust the alignment to be below allowable values listed in the specification table of each product provided in this catalog.
3,The maximum misalignment listed in this catalog is the allowable value when only one of the misalignments exists.In case two or more misalignments exist at the same time,the allowable values will be less than 1/2 of the maximum misalignment listed in the specification tables.
4,Misalignments are sometimes caused not only by equipment assembly,but also by vibration,heat expansion,wear of bearings,ect.during operation.Therefore,it is recommended to adjust the shaft misalignment to be below 1/3 of maximum values.
1 徑向偏差 parallel offset Misallgnment
2 角向偏差 Symmetrical Angular Misalignment
3 軸向偏差 End-play
4 復合偏差 Combined Misalignment
泊頭市利永聯軸器有限公司 生產各種聯軸器 聯軸器配件 聯軸器膜片等 打造客戶所需要的聯軸器 支持拿圖拿樣定制聯軸器 利永聯軸器專注于每一件產品 傳動聯軸專家 聯系電話:15128789423